MSC 220 — Climate and Global Change
The course covers the Earth's climate system and the role of natural and anthropogenic processes in shaping climate change. Major topics include: components of the climate system (atmosphere, oceans, land/sea ice), processes that determine the climate (radiative balance, carbon cycle, feedbacks), examples of the major past climate reorganizations, evidence for the ongoing climate change and future climate projections.MSC 301 - Introduction to Physical Oceanography
This course is an introduction to the ocean physics and will include description of the properties of sea water, distribution of these properties in the World Ocean and circulation of the ocean water on different scales. The course will provide basic understanding of the laws of physics that explain these properties, including dynamics and thermodynamics. The topics covered in this course will also include interactions between the ocean and atmosphere, the importance of oceans in the Earth’s System, as well as a review of the main observational and modeling techniques.
ATM/MPO/OCE 711 — Geophysical Fluid Dynamics II
The course is intended to help students to advance their understanding of the dynamics of the atmosphere and oceans. The focus is on the effects of stratification, on time-variable phenomena, and on the interaction between large-scale circulation and mesoscale eddies.
MPO/OCE 776 -- Mesoscale Oceanography
The course will present a current view of our understanding of ocean mesoscale variability, including its properties in different oceanic regimes, dynamics governing its origin and development, and its overall role in the oceans and climate. Lectures will present material covering theory, observations (both in situ and satellite), and numerical model results.
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